Friday, July 12, 2013

What it's Like Being the Oldest Child: Uncensored-ish

After completing my first year of college and returning home to live with my family for the summer, it's been a rude awakening. 

And I mean RUDE. 

I'm the oldest of four, all of us are two years apart. So we're pretty similar in age, but also so very different at the same time.

Anyways, I have two sisters, whom take the SHARING thing, a little too seriously. I work with four year old's eight hours a day, SHARING is important, when it's okay. 
I come home everyday with some form of clothing dirty, when it had been clean and folded when I left at an ungodly hour. 


"Well it looked cute."
"I didn't have anything to wear!" which translates to "I didn't want to wear my clothes because I'd have to dig them up from the floor."
or my favorite..
"It looks better on me!"

I've come to the conclusion that the only solution is this:

I'm going to put my name on EVERYTHING. I mean it. That way, they can't wear it. Let's be real, no one wants to be walking around with someone else's monogram and name. That's just STUPID. 

It's a real shame too, they have cuter clothes than me. But they feel the need to go out of their way and figure out what it takes to turn me red. 

Another gig that comes with being the oldest, a personal favorite, YOU'RE THE FIRST. 
The first to..
Ride a bike, go to school, graduate high school, go to college, first to go out on their own. 
Not to mention, I have red hair and freckles, it's not like I can hide in the background and get lost. I'm the first they notice, and the last they see. 
I did something terrible a few years ago at a conference, it was right before my senior year in high school. I was pretty much done with the self righteous, guitar playing, bible waving people interrogating me about my future. Thinking I could make a game out of it, I began telling people I was going to skip college and go right in to the bush. Or my favorite, I was saving to buy a sail boat, and planning to sail the world.
 It was fun for a while, then I began to run out of fun idea's. For a while I was going to go on an ancestral trek and make my way to Ireland to find my past and my future. I still wouldn't mind any of those anyways. 

But if you know me at all, you know I love my sister's to death. You'd also know that I love being the oldest, and I love being apart of the firsts.  
It's been great being back with the family for the summer and watching my younger sister's and brother grow up so much and so fast. That's my favorite, I get watch them grow. Whether it be height, age, or maturity, it's a great first. 
It's a fun gig, being the big kid. It's really scary when you begin to sound like your own parents, that's when you know. You know you've almost reached it. 

last Thanksgiving, we're never serious. 

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