Monday, February 25, 2013

Why Women Love Pinterest

When my mother first showed me Pinterest, I was astonished. How had I never seen this before? This was a major break through in my eyes.

Not a day goes by without me, a roommate, or a female classmate referencing something to Pinterest. You know what I mean too. The conversation usually begins with "I saw on Pinterest" or "Did you see my Pin?". Yeah, it's our ESPN for girls, it's true too, men can't deny it.

Why though?
It's quite simple really. Girls can express anything they want to on it. They can pin meme's, recipe's, and heck even plan a wedding. I see multiple people I follow get engaged and use it as a resource in planning it all.

How I see it, Pinterest is a tool to help women see what others have done creatively. I love that part. I love finding new things I want to try or make. It's like a game, if someone else can do it, so can I. Of course there are those web sites that have "Pinterest Fails" like the crayons not melting right or the icing melting because the person forgot to let the cupcake cool.
A personal favorite is all the SomeeCards memes.

What are your thoughts? Why do you love Pinterest? Or if you don't love it, then why?

my "very pinterest party" I had for graduation last year. 

My favorite thing found on Pinterest, recreate an old photo of yourself. I found the photo of me, top right, sifting through photos for graduation. Realized I was sitting in the same chair. Snapped a quick pic of me attempting the same excitement.

- Tay

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