Being Ginger is not all that it's cut out to be. Growing up, I was constantly approached by strangers asking where my red hair came from, because if you knew my family, I don't exactly match.
To be honest I don't know what people really expect when they meet my family. I don't come from the Weasley family. I come from the O'Kane family, which I guess with our last name you would expect a few more redheads. But nope, just me.
When I was little, there were very few and far between slurs about my hair from society. But once middle school rolled around I was called things I had never heard before. My favorite throughout the years? Fire Crotch.
Allow me to run down the list:
Fire Crotch (thanks)
Ginger/ging (Thanks South Park)
Devil Baby (Thanks Hitler?)
Soulless (watch out homie you're next)
Red (meh.)
A few phrases I've come accustomed to:
Does the carpet match the drapes? (are you an idiot?)
Do you and other gingers plan stealing souls together? (sure?)
Why don't you match your family? ( Did you pay attention in biology?)
Did the milkman stay too long?( a teacher asked that one)
Do you have anger problems? (well I do now)
Since you're ginger are you like crazy? (bout to be)
OH. You like don't have eyebrows. (please don't touch my face)
I could keep going, but they're rated R.
What people don't understand is that by being ginger you're opened up into a new level of discrimination. It's not terrible, it's just annoying. I cannot go to the mall, to the store without hearing something about my gingerness. Usually I wish I hadn't.
Most recently at the store "ayye baby you can come steal my soul and some other things too!" No thanks.
As a ginger, and as a human being who believes in personal space. Please stop touching my hair and asking me inappropriate questions. If you want the answers, buy me a drink first and we can talk ginger.
But what all this has taught me is to love myself, and my hair.
If you got it, flaunt it.
With ginger love,